We are here to provide you with more information, answer any questions you may have and create the best possible experience for your online trading journey.

Risk  Warning

Please be sure to read and understand the following content carefully:

High-risk investments

Margin trading involves high risks, and its losses may exceed the deposited funds, which may not be suitable for all investors. Before you decide to buy or sell the products provided by Hassla Capital Pty Ltd, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, financial situation, needs and trading experience. The company may provide general advice that does not take into account your investment objectives, financial situation or needs. The general suggestions provided or the content of this website are not intended to be personal suggestions. Possible situations include incurring losses in excess of the deposited funds. Therefore, you should not use capital that cannot bear the loss for speculation. Investment should be aware of all risks associated with margin trading. The company recommends that you seek advice from an independent financial advisor.

Internet trading risks

The use of the online transaction execution system carries certain risks, including (but not limited to) hardware failure, software failure and network system connection problems. Since the company cannot control the strength of the connection signal, its reception or router line, your device configuration or the reliability of its network connection, we are not responsible for communication failures, miscommunication or delays in network transactions. The company has back-up systems and emergency contingency plans to minimize the possibility of system failure. This includes allowing customers to conduct transactions over the phone.

Market liquidity

In the first few hours after the market opened, the transaction tendency was calmer than usual until the opening of Tokyo and London. When the market is calm, there are fewer buyers and sellers, and the price difference is larger. This is roughly because the first few hours of market opening are still weekends for most parts of the world. Liquidity may also be affected when the transaction is rolled over (5:00 pm EST), because many of our liquidity providers will temporarily interrupt the network to settle the transaction on the day, and this may also be due to lack of Due to liquidity, the bid-ask spread at that time is relatively large. When the market lacks liquidity, traders may find it difficult to establish or close positions at the requested price, encounter delays in execution, and obtain an execution price that is far from the requested price.

Market opinion reference

Any comments, news, research, analysis, prices and other information published on this website can only be regarded as general market information and do not constitute investment advice. The company will not be responsible for any loss or loss (including but not limited to any loss of profit) caused by the direct or indirect use or reliance on such information.

Order execution mode

The company provides contract order transaction execution through the company's processing methods. Under this model, the quotation provided by the company to customers is the best price given by one of the company’s liquidity providers plus the additional spreads for each currency pair or contract. In this model, the company does not act as a market maker for any currency pair or contract. Therefore, the company relies on these external providers to provide international futures and contract quotations. Although this model can promote efficiency and market pricing competition, certain restrictions on liquidity may affect the final execution of your order.

Delayed order execution

For different reasons, there may be transaction delays when using the company's  no-dealer platform international futures execution mode, such as the Internet technology problem of the trader connecting to the company, the liquidity provider’s delay in order confirmation, or the trader’s attempt The currency pairs bought and sold lack available liquidity. Based on the inherent volatility of the market, it is very important for traders to have an operational and reliable Internet connection. In some cases, the signal strength of the wireless or dial-up connection is not enough, which causes the trader's personal Internet connection to fail to maintain a stable connection with the company's server. The interruption of the connection path sometimes interferes with the signal, causing the company's trading platform to not operate normally, thus delaying the data transmission between the platform and the company's server. To check the internet connection with our server, you can test the connection between your computer and the server.

Reset trading order

There may be so many orders during market volatility that it is difficult to execute transactions at the specified price. By the time the order is executed, the buying/selling price that the liquidity provider is willing to accept may have changed by several points. If the liquidity is insufficient to execute the "set range" order, the order will not be executed. In the case of limit pending orders or limit orders, the order will not be executed, but will be reset until it is executed. Please keep in mind that limit orders and limit orders guarantee prices, but they cannot guarantee transaction execution. Depending on the relevant trading strategy and relevant market conditions, traders may pay more attention to transaction execution than the price obtained.

Expanded bid-ask spread

The bid-ask spread may sometimes be higher than the general spread. The bid-ask spread may change with market liquidity. During the period of limited liquidity, when the market opens, or during the rollover period at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, the bid-ask spread may increase due to uncertain factors in the price direction or market volatility. Or lack of market liquidity and expand. It is not uncommon for the bid-ask spread to expand, especially during rollover. Trading rollover is generally a period when the market is very quiet, because the working day in New York has just ended and there are still several hours before the start of the new working day in Tokyo. Recognizing these patterns and taking them into consideration when trading with unclosed orders or establishing new transactions at these times can improve your trading experience. This may happen during the press release, and the bid-ask spread may increase substantially to compensate for the huge market volatility. Higher bid-ask spreads may only last for a few seconds or as long as a few minutes. The company strongly encourages traders to be prudent in trading during the press release, and should always pay attention to their account equity, available margin and market risks. Higher bid-ask spreads may adversely affect all positions in the account, including hedging positions.

Trading order is suspended
Orders may be suspended during periods of high trading volume. In this case, the order is being executed, but the transaction execution has not been confirmed. The relevant command will be displayed in red, and the "Status" column of the "Command" window will be displayed as "Executed" or "Processing". Under these circumstances, the order is being executed, but it has yet to be executed until the company obtains confirmation from the liquidity provider that the quote is still provided. During frequent transactions, there may be multiple orders that need to be processed. The increase in waiting orders sometimes affects liquidity providers' delay in confirming certain orders.

Depending on the type of instruction issued, the results may vary. If the "setting range" fails to execute within the specified range, or if the delay has come to an end, the instruction will not be executed. If it is set as a market order, the order will be executed at the next available price in the market as much as possible. In both cases, the "Status" column of the "Order" window is generally displayed as "Executed" or "Processing", and it will take a while for the transaction to appear in the "Open Position" window. Depending on the type of order, the transaction may have been executed, but the display is delayed due to the busy network.

Please keep in mind that each instruction is only created once. Repeatedly establishing the same order may slow down or lock up your computer, or unintentionally open a position other than your intention. If you cannot connect to the company's trading platform to manage your account at any time, you can directly contact the customer service center.

Hide order quotes

When the international futures and contract liquidity providers that provide quotations to the company do not actively create a market for a certain currency pair, and the liquidity declines due to this, there will be hidden quotations. The company will not deliberately "hide" the quotation; however, sometimes due to the interruption of contact with a certain provider, or when a certain announcement has a significant impact on the market and restricts liquidity, it may cause the bid-ask spread to increase significantly. Hidden quotations or widening of the spread may cause the trader’s account to require a margin call. When an order issued for a currency pair is affected by a hidden quote, the profit/loss figure will temporarily display as zero, and the system can calculate the profit/loss balance until the currency pair has a trading price again.

Trading order hedging

The hedging function allows traders to hold both buying and selling positions of the same currency pair at the same time. When entering the market, traders do not need to choose the buying and selling direction of a currency pair. Although hedging can reduce or limit future losses, it cannot avoid further losses in the account. In the international futures and CFD contract markets, traders can completely hedge above the quantity, not the price. This is due to the difference (or bid-ask spread) between the buying and selling prices. Traders of the company will need to deposit margin for one of the directions of hedging positions (the direction with a larger number of positions). Margin requirements can often be monitored in the simple quote window. Traders may feel that the hedging function is useful, but they should be aware of the following factors that may affect the hedging position.

Reduction of margin

As the bid-ask spread may widen and reduce the remaining available margin in the account, even if an account has been fully hedged, a margin call may still be required. If the remaining margin is not enough to maintain any open positions, the account may require a margin call and the open positions in the account will be closed. Although holding long and short positions makes traders feel that the impact of market changes is limited, in fact, at any time the bid-ask spread expands and the available margin is insufficient, it is absolutely possible that there will be a need to add margin for all positions.

Order rollover cost

Rollover refers to the process of closing and opening positions at the same time of the day to avoid settlement and settlement of currencies. Rollover (overnight interest) also refers to the interest paid or earned by the trading account for holding positions overnight. Overnight time refers to the company's various platforms after 5 pm Eastern Time. The time to close and reopen a position and calculate the overnight fee is generally called a trade rollover (Trade Rollover TRO). It should be noted that the overnight interest paid will be higher than the interest earned. If all positions in the account have been hedged, although the positions are equal overall, the difference between the overnight interest paid and earned can still lead to losses. During the rollover period, the bid-ask spread may be larger compared to other times, because the liquidity provider may temporarily disconnect to settle the transaction on the day. During the rollover period, please manage your positions accordingly and understand the impact of the expansion of the bid-ask spread on the current/open positions or new positions/orders

Fluctuating value per point

Exchange rate fluctuations or point value is defined as the value of a currency pair that changes in one point. This cost is equivalent to the profit or loss caused by every change in the exchange rate of the currency pair, and is displayed in the currency unit of the account to which the trading currency pair belongs. To view the value of each point of any currency pair on the company's various platforms, you can select "Display" in the menu bar, then click "Window Display", and then select "Easy Mode". If the "Easy Mode" has been selected, just click on the "Easy Quotation Window" in the quotation window, and the value of each point will be displayed on the right side of the window.

Quote reversal difference

When you trade international futures or other contracts through the company's platform to trade international futures or other contracts in a no-dealer platform execution mode, you are trading at the quotations provided by multiple liquidity providers plus the company's high ideas. In rare cases, the offer may be disturbed. Although this situation may only last for a short time, it will cause the price difference to reverse. The company recommends that customers should avoid establishing market orders once they encounter this rare situation. Although "cost-free transactions" are attractive, it must be remembered that these prices are not true, and the transaction price may be quite different from the displayed price in points. If the transaction price is not the actual exchange rate provided by the company's liquidity provider to the company, the company will treat the transaction as invalid and reserve the right to cancel the transaction. In such cases, customers can only place orders within a set range or suspend trading to avoid related risks.

Holiday/weekend execution

Trading desk hours: The official trading hours of the trading desk are from 5:15 pm EST Sunday afternoon to 4:55 pm EST Friday afternoon. Please note that previously established orders may be executed before 5:00 pm Eastern time, and traders who set up trades between 4:55 pm and 5:00 pm Eastern time may not be able to cancel pending orders. If a GTC market order happens to be transmitted at the close of the market, it may not be executed before the market opens on Sunday. Please be cautious when you trade close to the close of Friday, and all the above information should be taken into consideration in the trading decision. The trading desk may change the opening or closing time because it relies on the quotations provided by the liquidity provider to the company. Outside of these hours, most major banks and financial centers are closed. Due to the lack of liquidity and trading volume during the weekend, order execution and quotation will be blocked.

Open quotation update

A short time before the opening of the market, the trading desk updates the quotation to reflect the current market price in preparation for the opening. During this period, the trades and orders reserved on the weekend are waiting to be executed, so the newly created orders cannot be executed at the market price. After the market opens, traders can create new transactions, and cancel or modify original pending orders.

Gap in market quotes

The opening price on Sunday may be the same or different from the closing price on Friday. The exchange rate opened on Sunday is sometimes very close to the closing price on Friday; at other times, the closing price on Friday may be very different from the opening price on Sunday. In the event of important news announcements or economic events that change the market's view of the value of a certain currency, the exchange rate may have a large gap. Traders holding positions or pending orders over the weekend should be aware of the possibility of price gaps.

Order order execution

Limit orders are usually executed at the requested price or better. If the specified price (or better) is not available in the market, the order will not be executed. When the market price reaches the price of the stop loss requirement when the market opens on Sunday, the order will become a market order. The limit order will be executed in the same way as the limit order. Stop loss pending orders will be executed in the same way as stop loss.

Weekend position risk

Some traders worry that the market is very volatile during the weekend, and the exchange rate may gap up sharply, or think that the weekend risk is inconsistent with their own trading style, and they can directly close the pending orders and positions before the weekend. Traders who hold open positions over the weekend must understand that there may be major economic events and news announcements that may affect the value of relevant positions. Based on the volatility presented by the market, it is not uncommon for prices to deviate from many pips when the market opens when the market opens. We encourage all traders to take this into consideration before making a trading decision.

Chart price and market price

It is very important to distinguish between the reference price (shown on the chart) and the tradable price (shown on the company's trading platform). The reference quotation is indicative of the market price and the range of changes. These prices come from banks and settlement agencies, etc., and may not reflect the prices of the company's liquidity providers. The reference price is usually very close to the transaction price, but it can only serve as an indicator of market conditions. Tradeable quotations ensure specific execution and low transaction costs. Since the international futures market does not have a single central exchange for all transactions, the quotations of each international futures dealer are slightly different. Therefore, if the quotation of a third-party chart provider does not use the quotation of a market maker, it can only As a reference price, it does not necessarily reflect the actual exchange rate that can be traded.

Mobile trading platform
There are a series of inherent risks in the use of mobile trading technology, such as duplication of instructions, delays in quotation and other problems caused by mobile connections. The price displayed on the mobile platform is only a display of the executable price and may not reflect the actual execution price of the order.

The mobile trading platform uses public communication network lines to transmit information. The company will not be responsible for any and all situations where you encounter delays in quotation or network line transmission problems resulting in inability to trade or any other problems outside the company's direct control. Transmission issues include (but are not limited to) the strength of the mobile signal, the delay of the mobile phone, or any other matters that may arise between you and any Internet service provider, telephone service provider or any other service provider.

Please note that some functions of the company's trading platform will not be provided on the company's mobile trading platform. The main differences include (but are not limited to) the chart will be limited, the daily overnight interest will not be displayed and the maintenance margin requirement for each financial instrument will not be provided. It is highly recommended that customers familiarize themselves with the functions of the company's mobile trading platform before managing real accounts through mobile devices.

Order transaction slippage
Slippage The company is committed to providing customers with the best transaction execution, and strives to complete all orders at the required price. Nevertheless, sometimes due to market fluctuations or increased trading volume, orders may be affected by slippage. Slippage occurs most often during basic news events or when liquidity is limited. Take the case of a transaction rollover (5:00 p.m. EST) as an example. This is a well-known period of limited liquidity, because many liquidity providers will settle the transactions of the day. During these periods, your order type, required quantity, and specific order instructions may affect your overall transaction execution.

Examples of specific order instructions include: Valid until cancellation (GTC): Your entire order will be executed at the next available price when received. Instant or Cancel (IOC): All or part of your order will be executed at the next available price, and if there is no liquidity to execute your order immediately, the balance will be cancelled. Full execution or immediate cancellation (FOK): The instruction must be executed in full, otherwise it will not be executed.

During market volatility, it may be difficult to execute orders. For example, the price you get when executing your order may differ by many pips from the price selected or quoted based on market movements. In this case, the trader expects to execute the transaction at a specified price, but for example, in less than one second, the market may have deviated significantly from that price. The trader's order will then be executed at the next available price for that particular order. Similarly, based on the company's platform international futures execution model, there must be sufficient liquidity to execute all transactions at any price.

The company provides a variety of basic and advanced order types to help customers reduce execution risks. One way to reduce the risks associated with slippage is to use the "range setting" function on the company's platform. The "Set Range" function allows traders to specify the amount of potential slippage they are willing to accept for market orders by defining a range. Zero means no slippage is allowed. If zero is selected in the "setting range", it means that the trader requires that only the selected or quoted price, not any other price, execute his order. Traders can choose to accept a larger allowable slippage range to increase the chance of order being executed. In this case, the order will be executed at the next available price within the specified range. For example, the customer may indicate that he is willing to accept the execution of the transaction within the range of 2 pips of the requested order price. If there is sufficient liquidity, the system will execute the order within the acceptable range (ie 2 pips). If the instruction cannot be executed within the specified range, the instruction will not be executed. Please note that the setting range can only specify a negative range. If a more ideal price appears when the transaction is executed, the amount of positive price improvement that the trader can obtain is not limited to the specified range.

In addition, when triggered, the stop loss will become a market order that can be executed at the next available market price. Stop loss guarantees the execution of the transaction, but does not guarantee that it can be executed at a specific price. Therefore, depending on market conditions, stop-loss orders may have slippage.

Additional deposit and liquidation
When your free margin drops to 120%, a margin call warning will be triggered. Your account trading column will be displayed in red and flashing continuously. This will happen when your floating loss reduces your account equity by at least or equal to your margin requirement. Therefore, unless otherwise noted, the consequence of any margin call will be the subsequent forced liquidation of the system.

The concept of margin trading is that the customer's margin is used as the actual deposit of the face value of the position held by the customer, and the customer who conducts the margin transaction can hold positions whose value is much higher than the actual amount of funds. The company's trading platform has a margin management function, allowing the use of leverage. Of course, margin trading involves risks, because leverage may have a positive or negative impact on you. If the account equity drops below the margin requirement, the company's trading platform will trigger an order to close all open positions. If excessive leverage or trading losses cause the net value of the account to be insufficient to maintain the open position at the time, it will cause a margin call, and all open positions must be closed (automatic settlement).

Please keep in mind that if the available margin on the account is zero, the account will start a red alert. When your account margin ratio (prepayment) is below the 120% warning line, the system will lose the most Start to close the current open position. When the margin ratio is equal to or lower than 100%, the system will trigger the forced liquidation of all open positions, and the automatic settlement program is designed to operate fully automatically.

Although the margin call function is designed to close the position when the account equity drops below the margin requirement, in some cases, there is no liquidity at the actual margin call price. Therefore, the account equity may fall below the margin requirement when the order is executed, and even cause the account equity to become negative. This situation is especially common when the exchange rate gaps or is in a period of extreme volatility. The company recommends that traders use stop losses instead of using margin calls as the final loss to limit downside risks.

We strongly recommend that customers maintain an appropriate margin amount in their account at all times. You can go to the user center and apply to adjust the margin leverage ratio to change your margin requirements, which will be approved by the company. The company may change the margin requirements based on the account size, open positions at the same time, trading mode, and market conditions.